Yes, ZNMD... it takes a while to "get it" because we are so well trained to "wait on Jehovah', right? If that brother is "lying"... that "elder appointed by holy spirit" is "lying", Jehovah will straighten him out. We wouldn't want to "go ahead of the brothers"...
One time, we had an 'elder' steal $20,000 from us in a shady business deal. Someone in the congregation heard our side, heard the "elders" view and called 'bs', and took it to a committee. My husband was an elder too.
Boiling it all down. When we went to the 'judicial meeting' and talked for a while, were sent out of the room, called back in, the 3 elders said, "We spoke with Joe Schmuck, and he said he was sorry"..
Well stupid Joe Schmuck said, "Hey, you didn't talk to me, I didn't say I was sorry" and blew their whole story to hell. I jumped up and said "You lied to us!" then I (can you believe it) showed them WT articles and scriptures on why it's bad/wrong to lie. They just stared at me. Didn't defend themselves, didn't say a word.
Why didn't I call a committee meeting to expose their lying? Why?
Brainwashing.... Plus, I had to "obey my husband" and "follow his lead". Otherwise, I would be an 'unsubmissive wife'.
Why didn't we see it? We were trained over and over about Manassah and killing those babies, sacrificing to Baal, and "would you leave Jehovah for what a man was doing?".... Well, God, he was the king, and you did appoint him... But...... God did take care of it..... eventually."
What a mind bending brain trip they put all of us on! So glad to be out! ;-)